Jun 22, 2006

WMD's in Iraq?

Maybe this is the real reason so many want us to cut and run.  They are afraid we will find more of this.  So much for there not being any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.  I am sure this won't change anyone's mind though.  It is hard to see the truth with blinders on (or at least with a heart filled with hate for President Bush).

BREITBART.COM - Hundreds of chemical weapons found in Iraq: US intelligence
"Since 2003, Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent," said an overview of the report unveiled by Senator Rick Santorum and Peter Hoekstra, head of the intelligence committee of the House of Representatives.

"Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's
pre-Gulf war chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf war
chemical munitions are assessed to still exist," it says.

Jun 21, 2006

The "Yuck" factor

Is it just me or does this sound really gross? " Test Tube Meat Nears Dinner Table
"To produce the meat we eat now, 75 (percent) to 95 percent of what we feed an animal is lost because of metabolism and inedible structures like skeleton or neurological tissue," says Matheny. "With cultured meat, there's no body to support; you're only building the meat that eventually gets eaten."
I think it would be hard to get past the "Yuck" factor.  Sheets of cultured meat doesn't sound very appetising

Jun 16, 2006

Who is losing the war?

Democrats talk about how we are losing the war in Iraq therefore we should cut and run (my paraphrase), disregarding the faulty logic it seems as though one person would disagree... !!
"As an overall picture, time has been an element in affecting negatively the forces of the occupying countries, due to the losses they sustain economically in human lives, which are increasing with time. However, here in Iraq, time is now beginning to be of service to the American forces and harmful to the resistance..."
He also talks about using the media to spread disinformation, but who would ever believe something like that could be done.

Here is the whole document. Very damning to the "cut and run we are losing in Iraq" crowd.


Jun 14, 2006

"Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe"

I haven't had time to read this whole article yet, but it looks like a must read on Global Warming!


Jun 8, 2006

"when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy"

I am reminded of this verse.

Proverbs 11:10  "When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy."

Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Killed in Air Raid