Jan 11, 2006

Pictures of the boys.

Here are some pictures from our day at the zoo on Sunday and the boys first snowman that we made yesterday at lunch. Sorry the boys weren't very cooperative with the snowman picture. If you look real close you
can see Jacob and Ethan hiding from the bears in the cave ;-)

<*** Okay the pictures are actually up now. Sorry it took me so long to fix it ***>


Anonymous said...

I couldn't get any pictures to come up but I'm sure they are adorable boys. Glad you already sent the pictures to me personally.

lobiwan said...

I don't know what is more depressing, how long it took you to fix that, or that I kept clicking on your blog link every day to nothing new, or that you finally do something on your blog and it really is nothing new.

Anonymous said...

How can you call those two little guys "nothing"? They are somethng to a lot a people!! You must have been interested or you wouldn't have kept checking back.

lobiwan said...

Oh they aren't nothing, but heath e-mails all his posts so I have had the pictures all along--i just wanted to see if he would fix the blog. so they (the pictures not boys) were nothing new. I just would think someone getting paid money to sit at a computer all day might have time to update his blog more often than every 2 months.

Anonymous said...

Now that I know who you are, I'm sure you didn't think the boys were nothing. I'm just a defending auntie. You know me.