Feb 5, 2008

The End Of A Rope

I have a friend at work who's wife has been very sick for the last year now and in the hospital for most of that time.  For a long time she was in a lot of pain.  They have "cured" the pain but at the expense of losing the ability to use the leg where the pain was coming from.  I'm not sure what the problem was or still is but I don't think the doctors know either.  Now she can't take care of herself at all, she can't walk, and she has no short term memory, she can't even tell you what she had for lunch earlier that day.  Thankfully she is no longer in pain and for the most part I think she is comfortable and content.  However the insurance has run out!  She can't stay in the hospital anymore but she requires 24x7 care.  She is only in her late 40's so Social Security can't help.  She was supposed to leave the hospital last Friday but there wasn't anywhere else for her to go so they still have her for now.  He has to "walk away" from one of the houses they own here in town and hand it over to the bank with the hopes that this will allow them to qualify for help.  This foreclosure will destroy his credit but he can't sell it b/c the money might disqualify her from Government help.  She has no living family and they have only lived in town for about 2 years.

Please be praying for Chris and his wife.  If anyone knows of any kind of service that can help with this please let me know.  He is at the end of his rope with no safety net.


Gail said...

I will be praying for Chris and his wife.

Anonymous said...

can we give her money? I have some money set aside that I can give. It's not much, but they can have it.

Anonymous said...

how heartwrenching. this is something to mention to our mercy team at wheatland.