Sep 11, 2008

Completely Lost

We finally finished the 4th and most recent season of Lost.  We started Netflixing the first 3 seasons last spring, but the fourth season we watched online because it isn't out on DVD yet.  We were able to watch it in HD online which was very impressive.   No lag time and short 30 second commercial breaks. 

So for all of you who have so rudely talked about Lost in front of me and I have shushed you, or held my hands over my ears while loudly singing "LA LA LA", you may now speak freely in front of me or better yet to me about Lost and I will gladly listen.

For those of you who haven't watched it, I highly recommend seeing Lost, it is one of the best TV series of all time.  I fought watching it for a long time because I thought it would be like the X-Files and just break my heart with a major let down by ending with some guy sitting in a cave smoking a cigarette and saying that the world was going to end in 2012.   I was worried until lobiwan informed me that the producers specifically said it was not going to end in disappointment like the X-Files and that they have had the story line mapped out from the beginning.

Thank you lobiwan I will never doubt you again.  I just can't believe that we have to wait until "early 2009" for the 5th season to begin.


lobiwan said...

Ha ha.. now let's not go crazy and start pointing fingers if things don't turn out like we want them! Ha ha... after all, some of us may be a little too trusting since we still "WANT TO BELIEVE"

nattyman said...

It is all riding on you my friend!! All the praise, all the criticism. You said I should watch it, you said I would love it... So I'm watchin' it and I'm lovin' it.

I do find myself getting angry with you when a character that I really like dies.

Jenny said...

I am quite proud of myself that I only had to read the Wikipedia for the episodes before watching them during the first season. I think. Maybe it was longer.

DefJeff said...

R.I.P. Charlie

Jason R said...

I must say Lost has just about lost me. I've watched every episode as it was aired on the TV and it started to feel like I was just being led on, like it was never going to go anywhere, they were just trying to see what weird plot twists they could pull off to keep me watching thru the next commercial break. I'm this far (almost pinching fingers together) to quitting Lost.