Nov 5, 2005

Re: Jacob update

Jacob is doing a little better.  After he took a bath this morning we went back to the room right away because they were worried about his oxygen level and when we hooked him back up his levels were even better than they had been before.  So they lowered the level he was getting from 1 liter down to 1/2 liter.  When his level continued to remain the same they went ahead and took him off of it.  Then he was able to get down and ride a tricycle for a while and he had lots of fun, but then when I checked his oxygen level it had dropped a little bit and then it kept getting worse until the nurse came back in and put him back on the oxygen at 1/2 liter and he is doing well with that.  They are going to try to ween him off a little bit slower this time.  The doctor thinks he will be able to come home tomorrow.  I hope he is right but we will see.

Here are some pictures of him.  Guess which one is right after his bath :-)  Another one is of him getting his breathing treatment.  He is really good about it and just sits there and opens up his mouth and closes his eyes until they are done.

His uncle Jeff came by to see/play with him this morning and my Mom and Rachel should be here around 5:00

Thanks for all of your love, support and prayers.

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