Jan 21, 2007

Funny Quotes

Jacob: Knock knock
Jenny: Who's there?
Jacob: Donut
Jenny: Donut who?
Jacob: Donut pants!

Ethan: Knock knock
Jenny: Who's there?
Ethan: Joke!


Jacob (sheepishly after coming out of the bathroom): What happens if you get water in your eye?
Jenny: It will probably be ok.
Jacob (still sheepishly): Well what happens if you get pee in your eye? (let your imagination run wild at this point)
You know what happens in cartoons when a powerful hose is turned on and it sprays around uncontrollably? Jenny said this is what it looked like in the bathroom when she went in... only of course it wasn't water.

1 comment:

You can call me Kentolla said...

I was out to eat with some friends yesterday, the dad is a trucker. He took his youngest son to the bathroom (he's maybe 2 or 3) and when they come back, the dad tells us this story. The son is on the pot doing his business and lets a toot slip out. It goes, "psssssss", and the boy says to no one in particular "that's my airbrakes". We all died laughing...