Jan 5, 2007

Jenny's Grandma -- Update

Sorry I haven't been on the computer much (at home) to do any blogging or update everyone as to Jenny and her Grandma.

Once they got Jenny's Grandma on an IV at the hospital with some antibiotics she stabilized and has been pretty much the same ever since. She can't talk or really even move, but she does open her eyes and look at you. Jenny thought that once when she was combing her hair that she may have even smiled a bit. Jenny came back to Wichita last Sunday afternoon so she spent Friday and Saturday night in Medicine Lodge with her Mom and Grandma.

Jenny, her Grandma and Mom could still use your prayers. Jenny is already emotional from the pregnancy so that just magnifies this situation.

Thank you, to everyone for your concern. Again I am sorry it took me so long to give an update.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update ... take care! - Mark

You can call me Kentolla said...

we are praying for you guys...