Dec 29, 2006

Jenny's Grandma

I just wanted to let some of you know that Jenny is on her way to Medicine Lodge right now to see her Grandma Moore, hopefully, before she passes away.  She has been in a nursing home for a little while now with Alzheimer's and has gone down hill rather quickly.  Last weekend she came down with pneumonia and they put her on Antibiotics.  Now her throat has gotten too swollen for her to swallow so she hasn't been able to drink or take the antibiotics.  I guess they decided to move her to the hospital in Medicine Lodge, I am not sure what else they are going to do for her at this time.  Please be praying for Bonnie (Jenny's mom), Jenny and the rest of the family.

Btw, the boys are at day care right now so that Jenny could just focus on helping her mom.



"A man is what he thinks about all day long."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heath, how are you all doing? Is Jenny okay?