Mar 11, 2007

A dog and his boy

Our ever loyal dog Mason and his boy Jacob...

Mason lets Jacob fall asleep on him one night when Jacob was having trouble settling down.

Here Mason comforts Ethan when he was sick with the flu several weeks ago. For about three days Ethan laid around and did nothing. Mason never left his side. Right before that Jacob was sick and Mason never left his side either.

Strangely enough Mason is sick with a cold right now (believe it or not). I have never seen him sick like this. Unfortunately the boys are not reciprocating in like manner.


Melanie-Pearl said...

i'm totally cracking up here...didn't know your dog was named MASON! haha.

do you ever get the urge to whistle at my boy or call him to you with a little slap on your leg?

thanks for the laugh.

Jenny said...

If it makes it any better, he is a really great dog, the best we've ever had...

He's actually named after George Mason, founding father from Boston, because he is a Boston terrier - one of the only breeds developed here in America.