Sep 10, 2007

Jatropha: From Weed to Biofuel

Since I have several readers who know considerably more on this subject than I do, I would be interested in what you have to say about this. It seems like about every month or so we read about some new possible energy source. This one sounded unique and promising being a fast growing weed that is a natural pesticide in itself and drought resistant. We hopefully wouldn't see the problems that we do now with rising corn and other grain prices.

Mali’s Farmers Discover a Weed’s Potential Power - New York Times
...a plant called jatropha is being hailed by scientists and policy makers as a potentially ideal source of biofuel, a plant that can grow in marginal soil or beside food crops, that does not require a lot of fertilizer and yields many times as much biofuel per acre planted as corn and many other potential biofuels.

jatropha can grow on virtually barren land with relatively little rainfall, so it can be planted in places where food does not grow well. It can also be planted beside other crops farmers grow here


Anselm said...

This stuff has very little potential in commercial science. Check out this claim:

Anselm said...

Clarification of previous post: Jatropha would exeedingly benefit third world countries and reduce fossil fuel emissions, but most western companies don't have the foresight to invest in this kind of novel R&D. Jerks!

lobiwan said...

I guess my problem with biofuels is that we already have perfectly wonderful biofuels known as crude oil, coal, and natural gas. Why we think we can ever produce a concentrated fuel source more efficiently than just using what we already have access to is beyond me. We have an ever increasing world population that needs to eat and an ever decreasing amount of land on which to produce food. I just don't see the long term usefulness of developing biofuels of any kind. The future of energy HAS to be from a non organic source.

But don't tell anyone, because I really enjoy $4 corn.

DefJeff said...

I'm with Matt! Save our food & water and focus on wind and solar energy.