Oct 17, 2007

Second Chances

Does anyone else have someone from their past that they feel like they could have been a better friend to?  Monday I saw someone here at my office that I have known since 6th grade.  He was with a big group that was going through orientation so I didn't approach him and I don't think he saw me.  I figured I would see him around and catch him at a better time but I haven't seen him since.  We were pretty good friends in 6th grade and that carried over some into Jr. High but started to taper off and I barely even saw him in High School.  Later on he had some trouble with the law.  His mother started going to my Church and I think she really wanted me to pick up my friendship with him again... but it never happened. 

The last time I saw him before Monday was probably at least 5 years ago when he attended that same church for a few months.

I have been looking for him for the last 3 days with no luck, but just a few minutes ago I walked past the empty training room and noticed that the computers had paper name placards on them.  I found the one with his name and left him a short message to call my phone number, not telling him who it was though.

He is one of the people in my life that I always regretted I wasn't more intentional with.  I can't name any one specific incident where I was a jerk to him or anything, just an overall negligence.

Perhaps this week I have a second chance.


You can call me Kentolla said...

You challenge me Beef.

Gail said...

You are such a great nephew!!