Nov 7, 2006

Exercising my civic duty

I voted today at lunch.  I think it is the first time I have voted anywhere other than the Library in Garden City.  When I lived in Manhattan I drove to GC and back the day of the 96 election.  It was also my first time to use the digital voting machine rather than the archaic 2nd Millennium pencil and paper method.  I can imagine that it saves a lot of time and man power in counting votes.  The Church I was at was pretty busy but I am fairly sure I was the youngest person in the room by a good 20 years.  Kind of sad, but I am one of the few people that see low voter turnout as a good thing.  It just means that my vote counts more, plus who wants a bunch of people voting that don't know what or who they are voting for.  Everything went fine, the strange thing though was when I was at the review screen somehow I had voted for Pat Buchanan for Kansas Governor!


lobiwan said...

They had a voting machine at our polling place and all it did was spit out a pre filled out scantron just like you fill out with a pencil. Pencil and paper is one of the founding pricipals of our democracy. And just like on the SAT, if you can't fill in a bubble right with a pencil maybe your vote/answer shouldn't count anyways. Anna could use a voting machine, but I sure wouldn't trust her to run the country.

nattyman said...

Sounds like your advocating a new Jim Crow law if you ask me. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Katrina and Linda were disenfranchised! Ask her about it.

lobiwan said...

Well only property owners should be allowed to vote, but that's a whole different deal.

nattyman said...

Yes, heard about Katrina's disenfranchisement! I believe it was from you. Pretty crazy.

lobiwan, there is something to be said for only land owners voting. And what is up with letting women vote?

You can call me Kentolla said...

you guys are so funny...