Nov 16, 2006

Reasons I Hate My New Office Setup.

  1. Very low cubicle walls, no privacy... makes me feel naked
  2. It is stinking hot in here all of the time. we used a thermometer to check and it was 79 degrees at my desk... it is even hotter now. *(see below)
  3. Hardly any view to the outside world... the stupid smokers courtyard doesn't count.
  4. I am surrounded by a bunch of boring white people. Before I was surrounded by a rich diverse group of Indians, Asians, Latinos, Blacks and Whites.
  5. I am crowded. I went from one desk in my cubicle to 3, which you would think would be nice but I can't move them and so I am stuck this way and my monitor is right in my face!
  6. I took the stairs to the fourth floor as my only means of exercise so now I have none and I will probably get overweight and out of shape now and die young... all because of this move to the second floor.

I think that is it with the complaining for now.

Proof of the temperature:


You can call me Kentolla said...

sounds like you need to listen to my sermon from last night... there ya go, hope that sets you straight

nattyman said...

Yes, I know I am pretty pathetic. Millions of people don't have enough to eat or clean drinking water or they live in fear of war or persecution every day and I gripe about being cramped not having enough privacy at work and it being to hot.

You know in WWII they used to torture POW's by putting them in small boxes out in the hot sun...

Not really sure what my point is there.

Anselm said...

I'm gonna send you one of those kitty -hanging-by-a-claw posters that say "Hang in There" for your new cubicle, just so you don't feel like a persecuted POW that is sacrificing his life and comfort for the good of his nation and entire human race.

You can call me Kentolla said...

I want one of those posters...

Unknown said...

The poster might help...

Do you think John McCain had one of those in his "room" in the Hanoi Hilton?