Oct 28, 2005

Our shameful politicized court system

Here it happened again.  Nobody is getting charged for committing the original crime that they were investigating.  Libby is only getting charged for lying during the investigation of a non-crime!!! 

Top Cheney aide Libby indicted, quits post
"WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, was indicted Friday on five charges that include obstruction of justice, making false statements and perjury in the investigation into the leak of a covert CIA agent's name."

Imagine somebody accusing you of stealing something that you didn't steal and in the process of the investigation they manage to trip you up with what you had said and you get indicted for that, even though you hadn't committed a crime in the first place.  Think of how you could use this against your political enemies just by making an accusation.  Get anyone in front of a 23 person grand jury for a couple of hours with no lawyer and no notes and see how easy it is to confuse them and trick them into misspeaking or appearing to lie!!  Shameful.

All of this is just being used to hurt and weaken the Bush administration while ignoring the true scandal; that Joseph Wilson is an outright liar and used his wife to worm himself into a position to de-legitimize the Iraq war and the mainstream media has almost completely ignored it.  Vallerie Plame was not a covert agent.  Everyone that knew her knew that she worked for the CIA.  You can't out someone who is already out, and she hadn't been "in" for more than 6 years.  No crime was committed.

Surgical Robots.

I thought this was pretty cool.

Surgical Robots.

Oct 26, 2005

Dr. Chuck Norris

So I went to my new optometrist the other day.  I was very surprised to find that the Dr. was actually Chuck Norris working under an alias (I won't use his name here to protect Chucks new secret identity).

It was a most unpleasant experience.  Especially for an eye appointment.  Usually they are pretty cut and dry, in and out and here is your new contact prescription, right?  Wrong, not this time.

Now I have to give him a break, that is quite a change to go from a Texas Ranger to an eye doctor, but surely he did some training for it, I don't know.  First he tried to tell me that my eyes weren't lining up exactly but my brain was compensating for it so I didn't have double vision.  But his equipment kept drifting while he was doing that test were you have to tell him when the 2 things line up.  Not to mention that he did it really fast.

So I already do not have very much faith in Dr. Chuck, but then he tries to tell me that my right eye has improved 3 clicks to a -2, but my contact was only a -2.25 to begin with, so I am pretty sure that when they measured my glasses to determine my prior prescription they measured it wrong.  When I told him that my right eye was only a -2.25 to begin with, then he said "Oh, well that is only one a '1 click' improvement, but you should get yourself checked out for diabetes, just in case."

Then a lady takes me into another room and says that she is going to put some "eye numbing drops" in my eyes and it will make them fill "puffy", whatever the heck that means.  If they were honest they would just say "Ok, I am going to put these eye drops in your eyes that are going to burn really bad and then make your eyes feel really freaky for about 30 minutes", freaky makes sense, "puffy" isn't a feeling.

But I accomplished my goal and I am wearing a new pair of contacts now that seem to be much more comfortable then the last brand that I had.  The last brand that I had made me want to rip my eyeballs out of their socket for relief after about 4 hours.

Unfortunately Dr, Norris is the only optometrist on my health insurance plan, so I will go back to him.  I am trying to work up the nerve to ask if he is still bringing criminal scum to justice down in Texas and if so how does he find the time to both fight crime and "practice" Optometry.  That is one heck of a commute.  Don't worry Dr. Norris, your secret is safe with me.

Oct 21, 2005

My Office Space

Reflections and Stories About My Office Space.

I have been at my new job for almost 3 months now.  My biggest complaint is my chair.  Not only is at least 5 years old, but it is extremely uncomfortable.  My tailbone is sore every night and it won't raise up high enough for my legs.

They have finally finished construction of the new office space on the first floor, which I pray they will never send me too, but about half of my half of the floor moved down there a week ago.  Then yesterday I noticed the tech guys bringing up a bunch of new computers to fill up those now empty cubicles with new people.  My window of opportunity was about to pass.  So I set off on a mission to find myself a decent chair.  I searched far and wide for something to cushion my posterior end better than my current operation.  I probably sat in over 20 different chairs and passed over more than that.  It was very disappointing I could not find anything better!  Pretty pathetic not one decent chair in the whole bunch.  Maybe that is why all those people moved to the basement, their butts hurt.  Maybe they have new chairs down there.  Hmmmm.... maybe moving below wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.

Note to self:  find out if they have better chairs in the basement...

On another note I have discovered that the 3rd floor seems to be the good looking floor.  I have been down there a few times and for some reason all of those people are better looking than the people on my floor, the 4th floor, man and woman alike.

Note to self:  find out why I am not on the 3rd floor.

Finally, I hate it when you get on the same bathroom schedule as someone else.  I have run into the same guy in the bathroom 3 times today (I drink lots of water).

Oct 12, 2005

Bono's Mistress?

Did anybody listen to Rush yesterday?  Bono has won "UberSexual" man of the year and Rush was talking about it. 

The Bad News:
When it was mentioned that Bono is madly in love with his wife Rush went off on how he has a mistress.  A few minutes later Snerdly got an instant message from someone asking who was Rush's source about Bono's mistress.  I thought how funny it was that I was not the only one listening to the show who was more concerned about Bono having a mistress than the actual point Rush was trying to make.  Fans of Bono love him for more than just his amazing music. The fact that he is still married to his high school sweetheart is part of it.  So Rush said he couldn't reveal his source and it wasn't information that you could just go look up.

The Good News:
After his next commercial break Rush said that he had just gotten a message from his source that said that maybe it was just speculation or rumor and that he shouldn't say it on the air!  So Rush had to retract his statement and apologize.  Their is no evidence that Bono has a mistress.  Whew.

Here is the Transcript.  The retraction is actually at the top even though it took place after the rest of it.

Oct 10, 2005

The same scare story as always.

Is it just me or has it been every year for at least the last 5 years that we have heard that this is going to be the year for the big Flu pandemic?  Not really an interesting story or anything.  I wouldn't bother reading it if I were you, but it is here for reference.

U.S Health Secretary Warns of Flu Pandemic

The Best Smile in the World!

Here are Jacob and Ethan outside the Zoo on Saturday. Isn't that the best smile in the world?

Here is a message from Jacob: jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjngkkklpooooovcxzaqw

He said each letter very slowly as he typed it, "J, and then N, then G, then K...." I am amazed at how he is barely 3 and already knows most of his numbers and letters.

asdtteqzxpujlg - more from Jacob :-D

Oct 5, 2005

Can I Change My Answer?

In my interview for my current job a few months ago my now boss asked me
first what my favorite customer is like and then he asked me what my least
favorite customer is like. I don't remember exactly what my answer for
least favorite was, maybe something about a really picky customer or
someone who changes their mind a lot.

Today I have a better answer. People who are very specific about what
they want. They don't know what it is that they want, but they do know
what they don't want!

I think that might be my final answer. I just spent an hour on the phone
with a lady who was actually very nice but fits the above description
perfectly, and really I would rather have somebody yell at me for 5
minutes and then hang up. BTW I am involved in graphics and webpage
design, which has a humorous story about it but I don't know if I want to
share that secret with the world just yet ;-)

Oct 3, 2005

Too Dumb To Vote.

"We're an ignorant nation right now. We're not really capable, I do not think the majority of our people, of making the decisions that have to be made at election time and particularly in the selection of their legislatures and their Congress and the presidency of course."

-Walter Cronkite on Larry King Live
Full transcript NewsBusters.org http://newsbusters.org/node/1824

If Americans aren't smart enough to choose their own leaders Walter, then
why are all of your liberal buddies out there trying to get as many of
them to vote as possible. Despite the old saying that 2 heads are better
than one, I am afraid that that doesn't translate into 2 stupid people
voting equaling one smart person.

I think the biggest evidence of the American public being dumb is the
fact that they tuned into you for so many decades. I am happy to say that
we are smartening up and the MSM does not have its grip on us like it once

What is really implied in what you are saying is that we are obviously too
stupid to vote because look at who we chose, George W. Bush, twice!! And
on top of that a Republican Congress and Senate. Maybe you would be
happier if only the Blue states were allowed to vote. Or maybe a red state
vote could only count for 1/2 or maybe 3/4 of a vote.

I am sure that you find comfort, Walter, in knowing that the election was
stolen anyway. So we aren't as ignorant as we would be if we had
actually chosen Bush as our President.

You seem to want to blame education for this, Walter, but how could we be
a nation full of a brilliant and enlightened electorate during the Clinton
administration and then fall to the depths that we are at now in so short
a time. Was it the recent High School Graduates flooding the polls in
2000 that offset things? The answer would have to be yes, in which case
we only have Clintons education policies to blame. So in other words it
must be Clintons fault that Bush got elected. If only he had done a
better job in educating our youth we wouldn't be in this terrible predicament.

The ironic thing is that really it is the democrats that can't figure out
how to read a ballot or work the voting machines. They are the ones
always complaining about how complicated the ballots are too read.
"Hmmmm... It says Pat Buchanan so I will punch that hole to vote for Al
Gore." Doesn't make any sense to me, but then again, I am probably just
too stupid to get it.

The Great Carpenter

My family and I went to GC for the weekend. We finished fixing up our
house for our renters on Saturday who moved in that afternoon. We would
rather sell the house but we are very happy to be getting some income to
at least offset the mortgage payment plus we don't have to pay the
electric bill or water like we were so that will help us out a lot.

I had a really good weekend though. It was great to see my family and
friends. I feel rested and refreshed and even Church on Sunday morning
seemed better than usual. Jeff spoke about Holiness and how as Christians
we are on a journey to achieve holiness. It is a constant struggle
between this world and Heaven. He gave the example of Billy Graham
weeping in a small group of pastors about how he wants to be a Holly man
and he wanted them to pray for him everyday.

That helps me to see just how far from holiness I am. We get in a rut in
our lives sometimes where we are blinded to our own sin and our own
shortcomings. We think that we are "fine" but in reality we are just
used to the comfortable state of our lives. It reminds me of the C.S.
Lewis illustration about how when we become Christians and The Great
Carpenter Jesus comes in and starts fixing up this run down shack of a
life that we live in. First he fixes the leaky roof, plants a lawn and
some trees and flowers. Puts in some new carpet to get rid of that nasty
smell and throws on a fresh coat of paint.

We step back from it and say, "Wow this is just great! Much, much better
than before." Jesus says, "Yes that is better, but we are only getting
started." Then he starts knocking out walls, jacking up the crumbling
foundation, putting up a new wing here, adding a floor there. And we say,
"Whoa, whoa Jesus, whats going on. We had a nice thing going here!" We
were happy with our nice and comfy little cottage but Jesus is building a
mansion!! Why would He settle for anything less, He plans on living in it

We are ecstatic when Jesus helps us get rid of our obvious sins or things
that hinder us from a productive life. It is great when He helps us
overcome our addictions to gambling, drinking, smoking, womanizing or
whatever, but when he wants us to stop cheating on our taxes or gossiping
or worst of all he wants to start developing patience in us, well that
makes us uncomfortable, that starts to become an inconvenience.

So that is kind of where I was, comfortable with myself. God shook that
up a little on Sunday morning through Jeffs sermon and the worship. He
started knocking down some walls, and I think I saw him go down into the
basement carrying a few house jacks...