Oct 12, 2005

Bono's Mistress?

Did anybody listen to Rush yesterday?  Bono has won "UberSexual" man of the year and Rush was talking about it. 

The Bad News:
When it was mentioned that Bono is madly in love with his wife Rush went off on how he has a mistress.  A few minutes later Snerdly got an instant message from someone asking who was Rush's source about Bono's mistress.  I thought how funny it was that I was not the only one listening to the show who was more concerned about Bono having a mistress than the actual point Rush was trying to make.  Fans of Bono love him for more than just his amazing music. The fact that he is still married to his high school sweetheart is part of it.  So Rush said he couldn't reveal his source and it wasn't information that you could just go look up.

The Good News:
After his next commercial break Rush said that he had just gotten a message from his source that said that maybe it was just speculation or rumor and that he shouldn't say it on the air!  So Rush had to retract his statement and apologize.  Their is no evidence that Bono has a mistress.  Whew.

Here is the Transcript.  The retraction is actually at the top even though it took place after the rest of it.

1 comment:

lobiwan said...

Talk about a scare story!