May 31, 2007

China and India in ‘race to the moon’

China and India in ‘race to the moon’

Several thoughts on this...

1. Should anyone tell them that we have already been to the moon and we won the race.

2. Should we also tell them that after going there a few times we realized there isn't anything there and we haven't been back since.

3. Don't they have to get permission to land on OUR moon. I mean, that is our flag planted there. Possibly we could reach an agreement on selling them some time share options in some of the less desirable parts, but certainly no beach front property.

4. I don't think, were I an astronaut, that I would trust a space shuttle built by a country that still has the plague... I mean, The Plague!

1 comment:

Marci M. said...

I love your comments on this! Funny! And congrats on the arrival of your latest son. What a great name!