Apr 7, 2008

3 kids = Showoffs :-)

Funny, I don't feel like a showoff, but I thought this was an interesting article in the Washington Post. Reading about the snobby and neurotic lives of the "upper-middle class" is enough to make me agree with Obama's crazy ex-pastor about avoiding "middle-classness". I did enjoy the below quote from the article though.

Three Kids? You Showoffs.
As for my husband and me, we hardly have unlimited resources, but we're still planning to go forth and multiply in the big city. The way we figure it, one day our children will be grateful for what we didn't give them -- and what we did for them instead.


Jenny said...

Now everyone will know that really we are just trying to identify ourselves with the trendy elite! Our secret is out. :-) Do we count if we do it without $800/week nannies?

nattyman said...

I thought you were the expensive nanny? ;-)

Jenny said...

Well, it's true, I'm not cheap.

Jason R said...

I get the same complaints from Annie despite having provided a furnished house, transportation, and other tangible benefits.

It is true about larger families being looked down upon. I'm sure it even happens here.