Apr 2, 2008

My One Pet Peeve

I am normally a pretty laid back kind of guy.  Not easily offended.  In fact, you would typically have to go out of your way and put special effort into it in order to offend me.  There is one thing that gets me every time though.  Our email at work displays our names as "Last name,First name" so everyone glances at that and, without thinking, assumes that my last name is my first name so they call me that.  I am cursed to be the man with 2 first names.  When someone calls me by my last name, thinking it is my first name, it drives me crazy! I don't know why it bothers me so much.  Of course I don't say anything to the offender, I just bottle it up inside and let them call me that over and over and over.


betsyann said...

My work email starts with "blob". I'm glad no one calls me that.

Anonymous said...

Just be thankful your last name isn't sobrapenis.

DefJeff said...

I've been called "Bill" for years buddy! I have always joked that some day I will name a kid "William Barry Bilberry." aka Bill Barry Bilberry.

Jason R said...

I hear ya. I'm *almost* cursed with having 2 first names. For some reason some people drop the 's' in Rogers and I become a Roger. Usually it's older people.